Wednesday 4 June 2014

The rules! Les règles!

PRINCIPLES  There are 2 key principles...

1 Act with consideration to others  
2 Act safely

OUR APPROACH We start off expecting you know how to behave. If you choose not to, your freedom will be restricted and parents/school informed.
TRAVEL  = Public transport behaviour
Arrive on time. Keep coach tidy—no litter. Seatbelts on and face the  front.

ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC SPACES = Ambassadorial behaviour
The public will judge the country on you behaviour. Always the highest standard of courtesy and consideration for others. Show interest, smile, say please & thanks.  Always in groups no fewer than 4, no more than 6.

COMMUNICATIONS AND BRIEFINGS = Assembly /lesson behaviour
Pay attention ; no talking
ROOMS = Hotel behaviour
Look after room;  tidy and clean; case under bed or in corner; report damage immediately; keep secure, look after keys; only in assigned room. Respect right to privacy and quiet; quiet behaviour, do not disturb others; safe and respectful behaviour, no jumping on beds, no climbing through window, no trailing wires / trip hazards; no aerosols or balms; TV off.

IN THE CENTRE = School corridor behaviour
Walk don’t run; normal voice, no shouting ; respect to others including especially the staff at centre.

CENTRE—OUTSIDE: = School corridor behaviour
Keep within the limits ; safe games, nothing dangerous; no going into the water; considerate to others, including members of the public.

DINING ROOM = Restaurant behaviour
Orderly movement in, seating and exit; good table manners, fair sharing, quiet conversation; care with food and water: no spilling ; stay in seat... not to the toilets... if totally desperate ask supervisor (normally Ms Myers); try to appreciate food even if it is different.

Remain in your seat; work your best,  this is a study visit, don’t make teachers nag.

BEDTIME =  Home behaviour
Be considerate… we all need sleep, especially  teachers who are working but need a break; follow instructions ; go to rooms, 30mins to organise yourselves, lights out; know where the staff are in an emergency

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