Saturday 8 March 2014

Useful Phrases: Arriving at a Holiday Centre

Some phrases we may use when we arrive at the holiday centre.

Ms Myers recorded the audio using the embedded player on the soundcloud site.  (You may have to turn her down a bit!)

At the centre
Au centre
What a beautiful centre!
Quel beau centre!
What a beautiful beach!
Quelle belle plage!
I am sorry.
Je suis désolé(e)
There is a problem
Il y a un problème
The light does not work
La lampe ne marche pas
There is no blanket
Il n'y a pas de couverture
I am so tired!
Je suis si fatigué(e)!
What time is breakfast?
C'est à quelle heure le petit déjeuner?
Good night!
Bonne nuit!
Sweet dreams!
Fais de beaux rêves!
See you tomorrow!
A demain!

Useful phrases: The Cider Factory

Phrases we can use at the cider factory.

Audio - Ms Myers using a Samson CO3U USB recorder and Audacity software.

At the cider factory
A la cidrerie
I would like one bottle of cider
Je voudrais une bouteille de cidre
Sweet cider
Du cidre doux
Semi-Dry cider
Du cidre demi-sec
Dry cider
Du cidre brut
I would like a bottle of apple juice
Je voudrais une bouteille de jus de pomme
I do not drink alcohol
Je ne bois pas d'alcool
I am too young
Je suis trop jeune
It's for my parents
C'est pour mes parents
I found the visit fascinating
J'ai trouvé la visite fascinante
I would like to return one day
Je voudrais retourner un jour

Useful phrases: The Chocolate Factory

Here are some phrases we can use when we visit the chocolate factory:

Here is an audio recording of Ms Myers using her iPOD which produces a wav file.

At the chocolate factory
A la chocolaterie
I like chocolate!
J'aime le chocolat!
I love chocolate
J'adore le chocolat!
I don't like chocolate much
Je n'aime pas tellement le chocolat
I prefer white chocolate
Je préfère le chocolat blanc
I prefer milk chocolate
Je préfère le chocolat au lait
I prefer dark chocolate
Je préfère le chocolat noir
Yum Yum! It's delicious
Miam-miam! C'est délicieux!
I would like a packet of chocolates
Je voudrais un paquet de chocolats
Unfortunately, it is too expensive for me
Malheureusement, c'est trop cher pour moi
Would you like one of my chocolates Miss?
Voudriez-vous un de mes chocolats, Madame?
Thank you for the visit
Merci de la visite
It was very interesting!
C'était très intéressant!

Useful phrases for the journey

We must speak French as much as possible while we are in France.
Here are some useful phrases for the journey

Audio of Ms Myers reading these on her phone using ASR mp3 recorder for Android (records directly as an mp3) and embedded from Ashcombe School Soundcloud account.

At the motorway service station
A la station-service d'autoroute
Excuse me Madame
Pardon Madame
Excuse me, Sir
Pardon Monsieur
Excuse me, Miss
Pardon Mademoiselle
Hello Madame
Bonjour Madame
Hello, Sir
Bonjour Monsieur
Hello, Miss
Bonjour Mademoiselle
Where are the toilets please?
Où sont les toilettes s'il vous plaît?
What time is it please?
Quelle heure est-il s'il vous plaît?
How much is this please?
C'est combien s'il vous plaît?
I would like a baguette please
Je voudrais une baguette s'il vous plaît
I would like a coke please
Je voudrais un coca s'il vous plaît
Thank you Madame
Merci Madame
Goodbye Sir!
Au revoir Monsieur!

Friday 7 March 2014

Contributing to our blog

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Here is a photo of happy faces from our trip in 2012!